Charlie Mariano hakkında:
Carmine Ugo Mariano Amerikalı alto saksafon sanatçısı 1923'te Boston'da doğdu ve 2009'da Köln/Almanya'da öldü.
Ünlü caz sanatçıları ile yaptığı çalışmalarının yanı sıra geleneksel Hint nefesli sazı Nadaswaram çok iyi kullanmasıyla tanınır.
Stan Kenton Big Band ile çalmıştır.Toshiko Akiyoshi (sonraları eşi oldu), Charles Mingus, Eberhard Weber, the United Jazz ve Rock Ensemble, Embryo gibi önemli sanatçı ve gruplarla çalıştı.
Mariano 1970'lerde ressam eşi Dorothee Zippel ile Köln'e yerleşti ve aynı yerde 16 Haziran 2009'da uykusunda öldü
Albüm hakkında:
1970'lere dönecek olursak Jasper van’t Hof önderliğindeki caz-rock Pork Pie grubu çok ünlü idi ve bu grubun dağılışından sonra buradan beri beraber olan üçlü (Charlie Mariano-Philip Catherine-Jasper van't Hof )bir kontrbas ve davul olmaksızın sağlam bir trio oluşturdular. 1979 yılı çalışmaları “Sleep My Love” ile olumlu tepkiler aldılar.
O dönemden sonra yaptıkları güzel çalışmalar sonrası Mayıs 2008'de tekrar bir araya gelip Köln'de unutulmaz bir konser verdiler ki bu konsere dek Mariano sağlık sorunları sebebiyle pek çok konserini iptal etmek zorunda kalmış idi. Fakat bu konserde muhteşem bir preformans ortaya koymuştur..
Albümdeki eserler üç sanatçıya ait çalışmalar ve her biri harika bir performans sergilemiş yorumlarında. Büyük şans ki 2 Mayıs 2008 tarihindeki bu konser canlı kaydedilmiş ve bu eşsiz çalışma bizlere kalmış.
Enja Records'tan çıkan albüm kaydı tam biz odyofillere göre. Ak Müzik tarafından dağıtımı yapılan albümü müzik marketlerde bulabilirsiniz.

Charlie Mariano alto sax
Philip Catherine guitars
Jasper van't Hof piano
Altta konserden canlı performans ile Randy/ Below from the concert Randy..
1. Crystal Bells
2. The Quiet American
3. Randy
4. Mute
5. L‘éternel
6. Désir
7. Plum Island
About Charlie Mariano:
Carmine Ugo Mariano was an American jazz alto saxophonist. He was born in Boston at 1923 and died in Cologne, Germany in 2009.
He played with one of the Stan Kenton big bands, Toshiko Akiyoshi (his then wife), Charles Mingus, Eberhard Weber, the United Jazz and Rock Ensemble, Embryo and numerous other notable bands and musicians.
Mariano moved to Europe in the 1970s and with his painter wife Dorothee Zippel settled eventually in Köln, Germany, where he died in his sleep on June 16, 2009.
And the story of the album from the Enja Records page:
Back in the 1970’s, Dutch keyboard wizard Jasper van’t Hof was the leader of Europe’s foremost jazz-rock ensemble, Pork Pie.
When this band was dissolved, three of its members stayed together to form an incredible trio without bass or drums: Jasper van’t Hof, Charlie Mariano and Philip Catherine. On their album “Sleep My Love” (1979 on CMP) the three of them showed a way of melodic interaction that thrilled their fans and impressed the critics.
It was a record of timeless beauty by a trio of leaders who turned out to be a complete band. You never missed bass or drums. Around 2006 Mariano, Catherine und van’t Hof, by now legends in the history of European jazz, came together again and were booked as a trio for several concerts.
One of these rare events took place in May 2008 at the Theaterhaus in Stuttgart, Germany, where Charlie Mariano had been a frequently featured artist over the years. Although he had to cancel several other concerts for health reasons in early 2008, Mariano played with all his power on that Stuttgart evening. On a double bill with Cuban pianist Roberto Fonseca, Charlie Mariano treated his saxophone like he had not done for a long time: with a strong, nearly furious intensity – eruptive, unrestricted, unrestrictable. His sound and expression were almost shattering. Philip Catherine’s highly dynamic, melodically rounded, Django-colored singing on the guitar strings was a perfect counterpart. And last but not least there was Jasper van’t Hof, the piano master: not just the third man on stage, but the orchestral bond that made this trio a full band – always surprising and original.
The concert on the 2nd of May, 2008 turned out to be a magic night – and by lucky chance it was recorded and now makes a perfect album. Sadly, Charlie Mariano left this world in June 2009 at the age of 85, yet “The Great Concert” catches that gorgeous alto sax player and great human being one last time at the height of his power and intuition. This release is dedicated to his memory.
Altta albümün ilk parçası fakat Mariano yerine saksafonda Bob Malach/ Below first song of the album but sax by Bob Malach here..
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